Inside Cool in a Duel

Interacting with Cheesie Mack

Readers will find more than just words in Cheesie’s books because he’s a fictional character with a real website. Cheesie Mack Is Cool in a Duel contains more than 20 links that lift the narrative off the page and into the online world. Like this one on page 29:

“There is a place in Massachusetts called Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg. It’s true! Granpa took me fishing there. You can hear him pronounce the name on my website.”

Will middle-grade readers practice until they’ve memorized the longest place name in America?
Cheesie offers online, hip, fun extensions to the reading experience. It’s new. It’s 21st century. It’s Cheesie Mack!

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