Irrepressibly True Tales

One man's squint at the metaphorical signposts, songbirds, soapboxes, street musicians, and hot dog stands of life. Criticism, lyricism, polemics, performance, and making change…all with mustard.

Inside Running Like Crazy!

Interacting with Cheesie Mack

Readers will find more than just words in Cheesie’s books because he’s a fictional character with a real website. Cheesie Mack Is Running Like Crazy! contains almost 20 links that lift the narrative off the page and into the online world. Like this one on page 131:

After a couple physics lessons using stilts, with me as his helper, Mr. Amato led us outside, where he balanced one of my stilts straight up and down on the palm of his hand. It looked really hard to do, but when I got home, I tried…and did it. Except with a broomstick. A stilt was too heavy.
The balancing thing is actually pretty easy. I put a description on my website if you want to try it. Just make sure you do it somewhere far from windows and other breakables, because you are sure to crash a few times.

Will middle-grade readers successfully balance sticks on the plams of their hands? (Click here, and you can try.)

Cheesie offers online, hip, fun extensions to the reading experience. It’s new. It’s 21st century. It’s Cheesie Mack!

Inside Cool in a Duel

Interacting with Cheesie Mack

Readers will find more than just words in Cheesie’s books because he’s a fictional character with a real website. Cheesie Mack Is Cool in a Duel contains more than 20 links that lift the narrative off the page and into the online world. Like this one on page 29:

“There is a place in Massachusetts called Lake Chargoggagoggmanchauggagoggchaubunagungamaugg. It’s true! Granpa took me fishing there. You can hear him pronounce the name on my website.”

Will middle-grade readers practice until they’ve memorized the longest place name in America?
Cheesie offers online, hip, fun extensions to the reading experience. It’s new. It’s 21st century. It’s Cheesie Mack!

Inside Not a Genius

Interacting with Cheesie Mack
Readers will find more than just words in Cheesie’s books because he’s a fictional character with a real website. Cheesie Mack Is Not a Genius or Anything contains more than 20 links that lift the narrative off the page and into the online world. Like this one on page 137:

“What’s the matter?” Georgie asked once we were inside and changing out of our swimsuits.
“You better be careful how many kids you ask to your pizza party.”
Georgie didn’t respond. He just grabbed his wet swimsuit off the floor with his toes and flipped it backward up over his head. Georgie is a very excellent athlete. He didn’t even look. He just stuck his hands out in front of him, and the suit flew over his head and landed-plop-right on them. (I cannot do this. But I have a diagram of how to do it on my website. You can try it if you want.)

Will middle-grade readers successfully flip socks and underwear up and over their heads? (Click here, and you can try.)

Cheesie offers online, hip, fun extensions to the reading experience. It’s new. It’s 21st century. It’s Cheesie Mack!