Buttering Bread

Track 8 on My ‘Magination

Singing BUTTERING BREAD in Hawaii, 2002… “I may not do it like everyone else
I do it my way instead.”

This song celebrates kids who like what they do…even if what they do doesn’t look like what everyone else expects. It was inspired by a three-year-old who, after a playmate disparaged a picture she had drawn, told me it didn’t bother her. “She said it was ugly, but I didn’t care because I think it’s beautiful.” I like that spirit.

♫ Lyrics ♫

“It might not look like butter
It might not look like bread
This gloppy gunk might look like junk
But it tastes great,” I said

I may not do it like everyone else
I do it my way instead
Although it might not be quite right.
I’m buttering my bread.
[…a good way to think about yourself.]

♫ Listen to the song ♫

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Spigot Records

May 27, 2002

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